Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday = Tearsday

Wow, today was one crazy day! I’ve decided that today should not have been called Thursday, but Tearsday instead. I had three criers today, and I cried. I haven’t dealt with so many tears in a long time, if ever. Today, during P.E. with my morning class, I let my students run around and play together. At some point, Sally decided to be a big jerk and tell Sarah that she isn’t a friend, and that Kevin and Jessica are (that’s what I could gather from the blubbering slur of broken English). Sarah was so upset, I felt so bad for her but I knew that I couldn't do anything to make her feel better, so I asked Sally to sincerely apologized and told them they were allowed to speak in Korean to talk about what happened and solve the problem. Sally and Sarah fight over Kevin, so whichever one has him for the hour makes the point to make the other feel bad, this was probably just another one of their little competitions. If only I could understand Korean and get to the bottom of this love triangle. The only thing I am sure of is that Kevin is a P.I.M.P. hahaha

Later, in my special classes, Tom and Sean were wrestling when I walked into the classroom. I was put my stuff down and turned around just in time to catch a glimpse of Tom tackling Sean to the ground and see Sean’s head slamming to the ground. Oh man! I jumped to pick Sean up from the ground, give him a big hug and comfort him but there wasn't much more I can do. I let him cry and talk to me in Korean (they don't understand that I don't understand Korean) but I was secretly wishing and waiting for my Korean helper teacher to arrive. To my disappointment, she was not there today!! Awww my angel wasn't there- and lets just say that saying this period was chaotic would be a huge understatement! I have absolutely no control over these kids without her- they don't speak English and I don't speak Korean so I don't know how to tell them to sit down and shut up. At one point I was forced to shout, “HEY, QUIET!” which I hate doing and just resulted in an outburst of laughter. I missed my Korean helper teacher so much! I counted down the minutes until class was over. When it was finally time for them to put on their backpacks and jackets, they didn't understand what I was saying and continued to run around, playing and wrestling with each other again. The only other thing I know how to say that would be appropriate is “hajima” (don't do that”) so I shouted that and yet another outburst of laughter. I was a bit flustered, but I just laughed at myself because the situation was pretty funny! White American girl that doesn't speak Korean trying to control a group of 6-year-old Koreans that don't speak English- HA! I'm not sure how I ever got them out the door but I was glad when it was finally over. I have a much greater appreciation for my helper teacher now!!! Aw I just love her!

The third crier of the day was me. Sylvia Teacher came to me today to tell me that Kevin is moving to Seoul and will no longer be my student at LCI. ☹!! I can’t believe it! I'm so sad right now! It’s horrible how I like all of my students and absolutely love one, and he is the one leaving! The other teachers in the teacher’s room were making fun of me for crying. I guess I am too attached to Kevin, but I can’t help it. Anyone who spends time with Kevin would have to agree that he is the cutest, sweetest, funnies little boy ever. He is so smart, I feel like I can talk to him about anything, and I have way more fun being silly and playing with him than any other student! I'm going to miss him so much! After a minute or two, I realized I was being ridiculous for getting so sad and went up to teach my next class. During my lesson I choked up a few more times when I thought about not having Kevin as a student anymore. I bet my other students are going be really sad too, Kevin is quite the popular guy with the ladies.

Not only were my kids and myself being extra sensitive today, but my kids were also being super obnoxious! I swear they think I am a jungle gym! They are constantly tugging on me, screaming at me to look at them, jumping on me and crawling all over me. I have a pretty hard time escaping twelve 6-year-olds. The girls love to play with my hair, which I don't hate, but the boys can get much wilder! I think it’s hilarious when they attach themselves to my legs and try to hold tight as I try to walk and jiggle them off of me, they are so darn cute, I wish I didn't actually have to teach them and could just play all day instead. When I am serious about them learning, it can get annoying when 10 kids are hanging all over me, and today was definitely one of those days! Most of the time and can get them to settle down and let me teach them something, but with out my helper teacher with me today it was absolutely uncontrollable. I finally just gave up and let them run loose while I played the alphabet and color songs they like.

With all of the crying, Thank god it’s Thursday! Only one more day of work and it’s finally the weekend. I'm exhausted; I don't think I can handle another day like today, at least not until next week…

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